Saturday, February 28, 2015

About Blogs


A blog is a discussion or an informational website published on the web. Blogs are usually published with the most recent posts showing first and the older posts showing last. Blogging originated from threads that turned into more of a personal diary for the posters. This personal online diary as called a weblog.  The term weblog as ten shortened into the term blog.

            There are many types of blogs. There are informational blogs that are usually broken down into categories like crafts, shopping, hunting etc. There are also blogs that are of a more personal nature that act like an online diary for the poster. Many bloggers are journalists that use a blog to publish stories or even current news events.

            Blogs can be about anything that the author chooses.  Some blogs only allow the author to post or write information on the site.  While there are others that allow others to comment on their blog or even start a new thread.

            There are many sites available that have a list of blogs available for the viewer to read, or comment on.  These sites also allow users to start their own blog if they choose. Starting a blog is fairly simple and many websites have easy access to your blog once it is set up. To see my blog about crafts please follow the link: My Blog.
Crafts are a great activity for everyone! If you have some fun craft ideas feel free to add them to my blog!